-175- High School Level Functional training Macrocycle 1-B Weeks 13-18 of Macrocycle 1 for Functional training. This is a Wednesday workout(chest shoulders, triceps). Perform 5-10 minutes of a dynamic warm-up. Complete in straight sets with 60 seconds rest between...
Functional training
High Level Functional training Macrocycle 2-C
-175- High School Level Functional training Macrocycle 2-C Weeks 13-18 of Macrocycle 2 for Functional training. This is a Friday workout(lower back, lats, biceps). Do 5-10 minutes of a dynamic warm-up to start workout. Complete in straight sets with 60 seconds rest...
High Level Functional training Macrocycle 2-B
-175- High School Level Functional training Macrocycle 2-B Weeks 13-18 of Macrocycle 2 for Functional training. This is a Wednesday workout(chest, shoulders, triceps, forearms). Do 5-10 minutes of a dynamic warm-up to start the workout. Complete straight sets with 60...
High Level Functional training Macrocycle 2-A
-175- High School Level Functional training Macrocycle 2-A Weeks 19-23 of Macrocycle 2 for Functional training. This is a 3 times a week resistance training (Mondays-Wednesdays-Fridays), with Tuesdays for an agility workout. T hursdays and Sundays off. This is a...
High Level Functional training Macrocycle 1-C
-175- High School Level Functional training Macrocycle 1-C Weeks 13-18 of Macrocycle 1 for Functional training. This is a Friday workout(lower back, lats, biceps, abs and neck). Do 5-10 minutes of a dynamic stretching warm-up to start workout. Complete straight sets...
Functional training Macrocycle 1-A
-175- High School Level Functional training Macrocycle 1-A Weeks 13-18 of Macrocycle 1 for Functional training. This is a 3 times a week resistance program(Mondays-Wednesdays-Fridays), with Mondays for quads, calves, hams, abs; Wednesdays for chest, shoulders, triceps...