High School Level Swimmers

High School Workout 04
High School Workout 4 DB Side Bend Starting Position: Stand with your feet about shoulder width apart. Hold a DB in each hand. Laterally bend your torso to the side and then repeat to the other side. Return to starting position. Weighted Russian Twist 1. Roll out onto...
High School Workout 03
High School Workout 3 Across Body Arm Swings 1. Stand tall and hold arms out to your side.2. Slowly swing your arms back and forth across the front of your body.3. Repeat this continuous motion until warm or until recommended time is met. Forward Backward Leg Swing 1....
High School Workout 02
High School Workout 2 Preacher Curls 1) Adjust seat or arm support height so that, while seated, top of arm support pad is at chest level. 2) Position arms shoulder width apart with elbows and upper arm supported on pad.3) Start position: Grasp bar with underhand grip...
High School Workout 01
High School Workout 1 Ankle Bounces 1. Stand with feet shoulder-width apart and knees slightly bent. Arms should be at sides and bent up to 90°.2. Hop continuously on both feet using only the ankles to project body up.3. Remember to extend the ankles to their maximum...
High School Workout 05
High School Workout training 5 Weeks 1-6 of Macrocycle 1 for Foundational training. This is a twice a week resistance program. Do 5-10 minutes of a dynamic warm-up. Complete in supersets of 2-3 exercises with 45 seconds rest between exercises. Rest 1-2 minutes between...

Active Rest Period Macrocycle 1 & 2
Active Rest Period Macrocycle 1 & 2 Complete 1-2 weeks after every foundational, functional and pre-season level. This is the opportunity for the athletes to rest and recover. No type of streneous exercise should be performed. Pick any one of the exercises below...
Active Rest Period Macrocycle 1 & 2
Active Rest Period Macrocycle 1 & 2 Complete 1-2 weeks after every foundational, functional and pre-season level. This is the opportunity for the athletes to rest and recover. No type of streneous exercise should be performed. Pick any one of the exercises below...

Agility Workout 01
-172- Agility workout 1 Tuck Jump and Sprint 1. Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent, with arms at sides.2. Jump up bringing knees up to chest.3. Land on balls of feet and immediately go into a sprint for the recommended distance.4. Remember to...
Agility Workout 04
-172- Agility Workout 4 Complete in straight sets with 30sec-1 minute rest between sets. Side Step/Double Step 1. Start by sprinting laterally through the ladder starting with your right foot. 2. Step into each square with every foot. Step with the left foot and then...
Agility Workout 14
-172- Agility Workout 14 Complete in straight sets with 30seconds-1minute rest between sets. Lateral Walk Overs 1. Stand with feet hip-width apart and with the bar to your left or right. Hands and arms should be behind your head.2. Step over the bar with the closest...
Agility Workout 13
-172- Agility Workout 13 Complete in a circuit and complete each exercise one time. Rest 1 minute and then repeat a 2nd and 3rd circuit. 180 degree turn 1. Start by jumping into the ladder with both feet together and land straddling the first rung. 2. In a continuous...
Agility Workout 12
-172- Agility Workout 12 Complete in straight sets with 30 seconds rest between sets. Leg Forward/Back Hop over Square Start on one leg with the other leg elevated off the ground. Jump over a square and land softly on the same foot that you jumped with.Hop back to the...
Agility Workout 11
-172- Agility Workout 11 Complete in a circuit and complete exercise once. Then rest 2 minutes and repeat a 2nd and 3rd circuit. Uphill Speed Runs 1. Start by choosing a hill that has an incline 1-3 degrees.2. Sprint for the desired distance up the hill.3. Repeat for...
Agility Workout 10
-172- Agility Workout 10 Complete in a circuit and complete each exercise one time. Rest 2 minutes and then repeat for a 2nd and 3rd circuit. Tuck Jump and Sprint 1. Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent, with arms at sides.2. Jump up bringing...
Agility Workout 09
-172- Agility Workout 9 Complete in straight sets with 30 seconds rest between sets. Single Leg Hop to Box (2 foot land) 1. Stand facing box with feet slightly wider than hip-width apart. 2. Lower body into a semi-squat position and jump up onto box using only 1 foot....
Agility Workout 08
-172- Agility Workout 8 Complete in straight sets with 30 seconds rest between sets. High Knee Drill 1. Stand in place with feet hip width apart. 2. Drive knee up towards chest and quickly place the foot back on the ground.3. Drive other knee up in a moderate to fast...
Agility Workout 07
-172- Agility Workout 7 Complete as one circuit and move from exercise to exercise until they are completed once. Rest 2-3 minutes and then repeat again for a 2nd and 3rd set resting in-between the circuits. Explosive Start Throws Stand with feet slightly wider than...
Agility Workout 06
-172- Agility Workout 6 Complete each set two times and then move to the next exercise. Once you complete each exercise once rest 2-3 minutes and repeat for a 2nd and 3rd time. Hop Scotch 1. Start by placing your feet on the outside of the first square.2. Proceed to...
Agility Workout 05
-172- Agility Workout 5 Complete in one circuit going from one exercise to the next. Then rest 2-3 minutes and complete the circuit two more times resting between the circuits. Skip (A-Rhythm) Start with both feet together and begins by driving your left leg up into...
Agility Workout 03
-172- Agility Workout 3 V-Up 1) Start position: Lie back onto floor or bench with knees bent and hands extended towards ceiling. Head should be in a neutral position with a space between chin and chest.2) Leading with the chin and chest towards the ceiling, contract...
Agility Workout 02
-172- Agility Workout 2 Skip (A-Rhythm) Start with both feet together and begins by driving your left leg up into the air and explode off the ground using the right ankle (like a toe raise) keeping the right leg straight.Instead of staying in place extend the right...
Dynamic Warmup 5
Dynamic Warmup 5 Complete in one circuit with minimal rest between exercises. Repeat this circuit 6-8 times. High Knee Drill 1. Stand in place with feet hip width apart. 2. Drive knee up towards chest and quickly place the foot back on the ground.3. Drive other knee...
Dynamic Warmup 4
Dynamic Warmup 4 Burpees 1. From a standing position, jump as high as possible and land down on your feet with your hands on the ground. 2. Kick your feet back. For a moment you will be in a push up position and jump back up again as fast as possible. 3. Repeat for...
Dynamic Warmup 3
Dynamic Warmup 3 Burpees 1. From a standing position, jump as high as possible and land down on your feet with your hands on the ground. 2. Kick your feet back. For a moment you will be in a push up position and jump back up again as fast as possible.3. Repeat for the...
Dynamic Warmup 2
Dynamic Warmup 2 Complete in one circuit with minimal rest between exercises. Then repeat for a total of 3 times. Jump Rope (side straddle) Start with the jump rope in each hand.Jump off the ground and start swinging the jump rope under your feet. Continue jumping up...
Dynamic Warmup 1
Dynamic Warmup 1 Complete this program in one circuit with minimal rest between exercises. Then rest 30 seconds and repeat for a total of 5-8 times. High Knee Drill 1. Stand in place with feet hip width apart. 2. Drive knee up towards chest and quickly place the foot...
Back Workout 15
-167- Here are some exercises you can do to improve the strength of your lower back. Pick maybe 2 abs and 2 low back exercises and complete them every other day. Crunch 1. Start position: Lie back onto floor or bench with knees bent and hands behind head. Keep elbows...
Back Workout 14
-167- Back Workout 14 Complete in one circuit with minimal rest in between exercises. Rest 1-2 min and the complete circuit a 2nd time. Single Leg Supine Bridge 1. Start by lying on top of a stability ball with your upper back. 2. Create a table top with your trunk....
Back Workout 13
-167- Healthy Back Workout 13 Complete in one circuit with minimal rest in between exercises. Rest 1-2 minutes and then complete circuit a 2nd time. Prone Knee Tuck side to side Rollout on the ball until your shins are on the ball and you are forming a bridge. Keeping...
Back Workout 12
-167- Healthy Back Workout 12 Complete in one circuit with minimal rest in between exercises. Rest 1-2 minutes and then complete the 2nd circuit. Slams Stand with feet parallel and knees slightly bent. Pull medicine ball back behind head and forcefully throw ball down...
Back Workout 11
-167- Healthy Back Workout 11 Complete in one circuit with minimal rest in between circuits. Rest 1-2min and then complete the circuit a 2nd time. Superman 1) Start position: Lie face down on floor with hands down at sides. You may place a rolled towel under forehead...
Back Workout 10
-167- Back Workout 10 Complete in one circuit with minimal rest in between exercises. Rest 1-2 minutes and complete the circuit a 2nd time. Supine trunk rotation with toning bar 1. Lie on your back on a ball so that the ball is under your upper back. 2. Hold a toning...
Back Workout 09
-167- Back Workout 9 Complete in one circuit with minimal rest in between exercises. Rest 1-2min and the complete circuit for a 2nd time. Windmill Start Position: Place one arm overhead full extended with a kettleball. Bend forward at the hips keeping back flat to...
Back Workout 08
-167- Back Workout 8 Complete in one circuit with minimal rest in between exercises. Rest 1-2 minutes and then complete for a 2nd circuit. Reverse Wood Chop with bands or cable 1. Start by standing parallel to the band or cable.2. Hang onto the handle in front of your...
Back Workout 07
-167- Back Workout 7 Complete in one circuit with minimal rest in between exercises. Rest 1-2 minutes and then complete the circuit a 2nd time. Russian Twist 1. Start by sitting on the floor with hips and knees flexed to approximately 90 degree angles. 2. Grasp a...
Back Workout 06
-167- Healthy Back Workout 6 Complete in one circuit with minimal rest in-between exercises. Rest 1-2 minutes and then complete the circuit a 2nd time. BOSU Side Plank 1. Lie sideways on the ball, hip in the middle and arm on the floor for support. Keep hips stacked,...
Back Workout 05
-167- Back Workout 5 Complete in one circuit with minimal rest in between exercises. Rest 1-2min and then complete the circuit a 2nd time. Prone Knee Tuck side to side Rollout on the ball until your shins are on the ball and you are forming a bridge. Keeping this...
Back Workout 04
-167- Back Workout 4 Complete in one circuit with minimal rest in between exercises. Rest 1-2 minutes and then complete for a 2nd circuit. Start Position: Hold medicine ball with your arms extended over your right shoulder.In one continuous motion bring the ball down...
Back Workout 03
-167- Back Workout 3 Complete in one circuit with minimal rest in between exercises. Rest 1-2 minutes and then complete the circuit a 2nd time. Crunch 1. Start position: Lie back onto floor or bench with knees bent and hands behind head. Keep elbows back and out of...
Back Workout 02
-167- Back workout 2 Complete in one big circuit with minimal rest in-between exercises. Rest 1-2 minutes at the end of the circuit and then repeat a second time. High Pull with Band Starting Position: Face the cable with your hands outstretched and hanging on to the...
Back Workout 01
-167- Back Workout 1 Lumbar Roll 1. Lie on your back with your legs in thighs perpendicular to the floor and your knees bent.2. Keeping your shoulders on the ground slowly rotate your legs to the right until they touch the floor.3. In a controlling manner bring your...